Personalized Risk Scoring
Personalized scoring for risk of prescription medicines.
Using clinical data from the patient’s medical history, the MedSafety Scan® algorithm gathers important clinical characteristics of each patient, assesses the risk of drug-induced harm and provides personalized medical risk assessment and suggests clinical options for monitoring or medication adjustment based on individual patient data.
As each medical facility will most likely have their own patient demographics and drug use patterns, the system is designed to be customized for use in any clinical environment and the threshold and type of notifications sent to prescribers can be customized on a site-by-site scenario for each institution or clinical unit.
Two configurations are currently available:
1. ICU Patients (Tisdale Score) (PubMed Reference PMID: 23716032)
2. Non-ICU (MedSafetyScan default score)

MSS Features
*Limited availability at this time